Pasang Iklan Apartment Gratis

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012


A Prosperous Welcome

On behalf of the company, it is our honour to present to you Adhitya Inti's first development in Batam.

The Bliss Park is the first five star plus residential towers in Batam and the only one in Batam which is located in the most auspicious site with mountain as the backyard and it is facing the sea.

On this 3.7 hectares hilltop land with the amazing view of the Singapore, Bliss development has set itself apart from many other developments for many reasons. We cordially invite you to go through our brochures, browse through our design concepts and visit our site and feel the 'Qi'. The many design details that present the identity of Bliss Park are specially designed for someone who cares about the healthy and wealthy lifestyles, like you



You Are At Centre Of The Attention

The Bliss park is located on the hilltop overlooking Singapore city skyline, and is located between two major arterial road Raden patah and Yos Sudarso, providing conveniant access to all directions - next to Batam city Center, 20 minutes to Airport, 10 minutes to harbor bay and 40 minutes to Singapore.


The Bliss Park has been visualized, conceptualized, designed and will be built with the collaboration of professionals who share the visions of auspicious, greener and healthier lifestyles. Our dedicated professionals are very proud to be part of this most auspicious developments in Batam.

At the Bliss Park, you are not only a proud and lucky resident owner of the five star plus apartment but also the resident owner of the new icon in Nagoya Batam. This twentyfive-storey will rise and become Nagoya's new symbol of financial district and economic prosperity.

Within the Adhitya Inti, your healthy and wealthy lifestyles are always our main concern. We build you the most auspicious residence, the BLISS PARK.


The Most Auspicious and Strategic Site in Batam
In this era of materialistic world, ADHITYA INTI has prepared a site for you.
It is like seating on an emperor’s throne with mountain as its backrest and facing the sea. This is the most desired auspicious site anyone can dream of. Therefore at Bliss Park, we will elevate your career and financial status to a new level.
Batam is one of the many Indonesian gateway to International places. Singapore can be reached within forty minutes by ferry. It is ranked second after Bali as the most visited city by International tourists. Batam is the amalgamation of Bali and Singapore. Enjoy the island lifestyle that is full of its colours of cultures and yet live in a modern society.
Bliss Park is a dream come true. Your only chance to own an International design standard in the most auspicious site in Batam, where money itself cannot buy. You have to be very lucky to own this.
Through this five star plus development, Bliss Park has set out to differentiate ourselves from others by focusing greatly on the quality of our building and facilities.
Live in Batam, Play in Singapore …
The Bliss Park has been masterplanned to enhance

the human-nature (fengshui) and human-human
experience for its residents.
The residential towers have a concept that promotes the maximum flow of the "Qi" which promotes eco friendly and healthy lifestyle through the green architecture that utilize and maximize natural lighting and ventilation.

Feel the "Qi" and let it do the works to help your career. If you like being pampered, and if you love green living lifestyles and enjoy a peaceful surroundings in city area, this is the apartment that is a must to own. Let us pamper you in our first in the world ground, middle and top floor facilities.

Enjoy any of our facilities anywhere you are. Be happy, be healthy and be prosper.



Why Batam @ Indonesia
- Third most visited after BALI & JAKARTA
- Batam New Terminal Port, PELINDO is currently building a USD700Million port in Batam ready in 2014 (for more then 1,000 ship loading)
- New Casino in Batam for next 4-5year
- 1.2Million tourist in 2011
- Batam is a Free Trade city.
- Only 18km to Singapore. Spillover of Singapore
- Only 40minutes ferry to Singapore. (Ferrey stops straight at Singapore's main attraction, Sentosa Island)
- There are talks on the idea of building bridge connecting Batam with Singapore.

Why Bliss Park
- Prime strategic location
- Build by Indonesia's reknown contractors
- Batam 1st 5 Star residence with 5 Star plus facilities
- The tallest and most luxurious apartment in Batam
- Bliss Park ownership gives you Irresistable introduction offer!
- Advantage of Bliss Park Developer Installment ( 0% INTEREST )

Tower A Size:
1 BR - 45m2
1 BRD - 55m2
1 BRS - 49m2
2 BR - 66m2
2BRD 69m2


42 M2 semi gross area

66 M2 semi gross area


Jumat, 18 Mei 2012


Pembangunan di Kota Batam memang luar biasa, pasalnya dalam waktu dekat ini Pulau yang berbentuk Kalajengking ini akan ada satu lagi mega proyek property yang luar biasa dikawasan Nagoya, yakni proyek Bliss Park yang dikembangkan oleh developer PT Adhitya Inti.

Hardy Arbi, International Marketing PT Adhitya Inti menuturkan proyek tersebut akan dilakukan sekitar bulan Juni 2012 ini, dengan memasang ground breaking atau tiang pancang proyek prestisius.

"Nantinya pembangunan proyek Bliss Park ini kami akan menggandeng PT Tatamulia Nusantara Indah ( selaku proyek konstruksi," kata Hardy.

Bliss Park sendiri, lanjut Hardy nantinya akan memiliki 2.900 unit apartemen dan hotel berbintang lima. Fase pertama Tower A dengan 677 unit sangat laris terjual sejak diluncurkan Februari kemarin. Tower dengan 23 lantai itu sudah 65 persen terjual. "Kebanyakan dari konsumen yang membeli menilai potensi properti di Bliss Park Batam sangat menjanjikan," sebut Hardy.

Hardy juga mengakui bahwa laris manisnya Bliss Park ini tidak terlepas dari kondisi kota Batam yang semakin mendapat keuntungan dari melimpahnya kekokohan ekonomi negara tetangga, khususnya, Singapura dalam dua tahun belakangan ini. Begitu pun pasar bangunan pencakar langit yang semakin berdampak di kota Batam dan menarik perhatian investor, bukan saja dari dalam negeri tapi juga dari negara tetangga, seperti Singapura dan Malaysia.

"Rata-rata harga properti bintang 5 di Indonesia adalah Rp30 juta per meter persegi, namun tidak dengan Bliss Park, meski fasilitas, lokasi dan desain yang begitu megah, harga perdananya hanya Rp15 juta per meter persegi. Jadi sangat menarik buat para investor. Malah Singapura yang hanya 40 menit dari Batam, harga propertinya Rp150 juta per meter persegi," papar Hardy lagi.

Bahkan untuk membuktikan keseriusan Bliss Park, tambah Hardy, PT Adhitya Inti baru-baru ini juga menjalin kerjasama dengan PT Gold Propertindo, yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan real estate agen yang akan menangani penjualan Bliss Park di pameran-pameran properti di Jakarta.

Sementara itu, Charles Direktur PT Gold Propertindo menyebutkan pihaknya akan mengatur strategi untuk menggempur tiga pameran properti di mall-mall di sekitar Jakarta. Di antaranya di Mall Taman Anggrek, 14-20 Mei 2012, Margonda City Mall Depok pada 25 Mei-3 Juni 2012, dan di Mall Central Park, 19-24 Juni 2012 mendatang.

"Target kami Tower A habis terjual sebelum akhir Juni, dengan harga yang sangat murah untuk kelasnya dan promo spesial sepanjang pameran, Bliss Park adalah investasi yang tidak boleh dilewatkan," kata Charles.

Charles juga mengimbau seluruh investor untuk datang melihat proyek yang bakal menjadi gedung apartemen termegah dan tertinggi di kota Batam di pameran-pameran tersebut. Dan bagi para investor yang menginginkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang pameran Bliss Park yang akan berlangsung, bisa menghubungi telepon 083875500599 (Online Marketing)

"Ground breaking akan dimulai awal Juni nanti, harga pasti naik. Sekarang adalah waktu terbaik untuk mendapat harga di bawah harga pasar dengan promo spesial lainnya sepanjang pameran berlangsung," ujar Charles.